
Metaprogramming MasterClass Course

SKU: rmm-course

Ruby Metaprogramming Masterclass teaches you to do more with Ruby, from the author of Clean Ruby, and Ruby DSL Handbook.

After your purchase, you'll receive an email invitation to register for the MasterClass, so watch your inbox!



You should have experience with Ruby but you don't need much. This class will answer questions about how you can add behavior to libraries you use in your system. You'll understand the features present in Ruby which allow you to manipulate your project to give you more power over how it works. And you'll reveal the underlying nature of how Ruby works.

You'll get a solid handle on multiple ways to work with class_evalinstance_evalyield and calling blocks, method_missingrespond_to_missing?, constant lookups, dynamic class and module creation, and how all this fits together.

After your purchase, you'll receive an email invitation to register for the MasterClass, so watch your inbox!